Our Community
We believe that student-parent-teacher communication is the staple to a thriving school. Every week we upload pictures and write a short blurb about our day to a private FB account, so you can get a glimpse of your child’s magical school days. Our pictures and videos include circle time, instruction and play.
An initial home visit, a weekly email about what is happening “this week”, conferences and an open line of communication eases the daily transition between home and school.
At BP we have a wonderful parent community who get to know each other throughout the year at special celebrations and gatherings. This includes a few potlucks, Stone Soup (a meal prepared by your kids), a special Winter Celebration (a performance by your children), Parent’s Night Out, Movie Night (drop your kids off and go out!) and more.
Summer camp is offered to new and current students at BP. The camps are a great way to keep the joy of learning flowing during the summer months.